Wednesday, June 8, 2011

First post!

Today is the fifth full day we've been in San Francisco and it is a gorgeous cool sunny day!

This morning Michael took the bus for the second time and looked forward to a slow day around the office to get some things done. We're in our corporate apartment on Pine Street right now and are eager to get settled in a place of our own. The rest of this week is dedicated to looking for an apartment, especially on Saturday when we will meet with our real estate and spend the day touring apartments.

As for me, I am staying busy with organizational things around the apartment and trying to get to know the city. I've been enjoying walking around the city and meeting as many people as possible for now. The public transportation system has proven to be a bit more challenging to learn than I had expected but I think the best way to get the hang of it is to explore as much as possible.

We're enjoying this new adventure so far and are excited to find a place of our own some time soon!


  1. Marilyn,
    I am happy to hear the good news. San Francisco is a great place. I really enjoy the city and its weather. I will soon be in New York, and that will be an exciting journey.
    My best and congratulations!!!

  2. thank you so much Carlos! please keep me posted on your big move and keep in touch! xoxo

  3. Marilyn and Michael,
    Al and I were so excited to hear of your engagement and the move to San Francisco - a truly magical city. We know that you two are going to have a blast getting to know SF, all the great spots, and especially the great food.
    Uncle Jim

  4. Thank you so much Uncle Jim! Come visit us any time. Love to you and Al!
